Darwin Middle School held its commemorative ANZAC Day Assembly on Wednesday 24 April. Students, staff, parents and invited guests gathered to remember, acknowledge and honour the brave men and women who served and sacrificed in World War I.
The assembly began with our hosts Scott Dunk and Samritha Bharanidharan welcoming our distinguished guests, veterans, ADF cadets with Rueben Kreuger then commencing the Acknowledgement of Country. Student Cadet Corporal Harry Osmond led the honour guard with members of the cadets from the Airforce, Army and Navy. Ms Kemp recited Flanders Field by John McCrae.
Guest speaker, Lieutenant Angus Murphy from the Australian Army, shared the story of the ANZAC spirit. SRC students laid wreaths and the Ode of Remembrance was read. The Last Post and the Rouse were played by Peter Harvey and the school concert band played “Abide with Me” and the National Anthem.
Special mention to the Honourable Brent Potter MLA who attended the event. We would also like to thank MAJ Tracy Maglasang, LT Angus Murphy and CPL Emily Kealey, ADF cadets, SRC students, school concert band and staff who were involved in making this event a success.