What is the School Board Membership structure?
The composition of the School Board totals 13, calculated as per Regulation 22 (not less than 5, but not more than 19 members). The board membership must include:
- Seven (7) parents of students enrolled in the school, elected by the parents of the students enrolled in the school.
- Three (3) teachers at the school, elected by the teachers teaching at the school.
- The School Principal.
The School Board membership may also include:
(a) Two (2) invited members
Persons invited to be a member of the board may be:
- persons whom the School Board considers to have special qualifications, knowledge or experience that will be able to assist it in the performance of its functions by the giving of information or advice;
- the Member of the Legislative Assembly for the electoral division in which the school is located; or
- a person nominated by the local government council in the area in which the school is located.
(b) the board must not invite a person to be a member if that person is a teacher at any Government school, including the school for which the board was established.